Encouragement for us all...
Someone once told me that when we complain about our circumstances, what we are really saying is that God doesn't know what He is doing...
I have earned a reputation for knowing useless and arbitrary facts. Facts that can sometimes be categorized as useless information. Well here is one... For example, did you know that the images your eyes see are actually transmitted upside down to the brain? The brain processes those upside down images and turns them right side up for us. Here's another one...
Did you know that each of your eyes has a blind spot? There is a spot on the retina of each of our eyes that literally can’t see anything at all. This blind spot is where the optic nerve is and there are no rods or cones there. You can sometimes see when you only have one eye open. Now, you normally don’t notice that there is a blind spot anywhere in your field of vision. That’s because your brain is filling in the gaps, so to speak. Your brain doesn’t have to do much gap filling actually, because you normally look at things with both eyes, and one eye can always see the spot that the other eye can’t. But your brain does mesh the two images from each eye into one seemingly seamless image when you are using both eyes.
Our ears don't hear all the possible sounds there are. Its common knowledge that most dog hear much better than we can. More useless facts...that's because their ears are generally and simply more sensitive, that is they can hear fainter sounds than we can. Second, and more to the point, dogs can hear frequencies outside the human range of hearing. Ever wonder why you can’t hear a dog whistle? Well, generally it’s because dogs can’t whistle! Sorry, I couldn’t resist it. Anyway, dogs can hear things that we can’t not just because they are too faint for us, but because we can’t hear those things no matter how loud they might be. As another example, it has been found that elephants routinely communicate over large distances using ultrasound rumbles. Humans can’t hear these vocalizations and for a long time we had no clue that elephants were communicating this way. But finally somebody began to suspect something fishy about elephant behavior and they deployed special instruments to detect this ultrasound – and voila, we suddenly began to understand what we were missing. Whale songs are also inaudible to us, but most everybody has heard of them nowadays, because we have the equipment to detect and then translate them into sounds that we CAN hear.
Our noses aren’t the best in the animal kingdom either. Dogs can smell fainter smells than we can. And they can smell things we can’t no matter how odiferous they might be. Beagles are famous for sniffing out rabbits. Have YOU ever tried following a rabbit from scent alone? And of course dogs are used to sniff out drugs all the time. And more recently, they are even being employed to detect certain diseases like cancer. ‘Nuff said?
The moral of the story is: Don't be afraid or angry about what you see or hear, and worse yet, what you think you know. There is so much God is doing in the midst of this mess, things we can't understand, things we cannot see and questions that are not answered. What we "see" is that things are upside down, that there are no answers in sight and try as we do, we can't hear from God why. BUT that does not mean, He isn't working, you just can't see it yet. He is speaking, we just haven't translated it yet. You haven't heard Him yet because His voice is faint. If you practice being still, His voice will be heard in your SOUL where He lives and a peace will surround you, a peace like the dog hears the whistle, reserved for His children and those who choose to trust in what they cannot see and cannot hear.
As angry as we may become at the circumstances, as desperate and hopeless as we may feel, never lose sight that what we see is not all there is...HE IS BIGGER AND LOUDER!
Greater is He who is in You than he who is in the world!