Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Stinks!

Mom and Dad are still up north visiting Smiles and will have an update tomorrow.  After talking to Mom about this weekend's visit and the steps forward and the steps backwards, we were both at a loss for words which is very unusual for us!   With the overwhelming idea of the unknown number of weeks that lay ahead, my only real advice is to look backwards,  to what God has already done.  When this part of the process became a reality, it felt as if we would not survive one day of this, but here we are, with a little more than 2 weeks behind us.  We're not sure how it happened except for his daily dose of mercy, grace and peace that surpasses all understanding (and a little help from our friend Xanax)!  This past week was hard, knowing that in our world of pain, we are not alone, and others are suffering their own journey.  Some dealing with what can't be changed, some on their way home to see the Lord, and those who were with us for only a few hours. So much hurt.  This really is a broken world, not what God intended for His people.

I think its okay to have a day when you don't have a profound encouraging word, after all we are human.  At the end of the day, all we could think of to write was...this stinks!  So there you have it!
Todays entry...


His mercies are new everyday and tomorrow we'll start over again trusting in His strength and His power.  For now all I can do to lighten our spirits is a reminder of something we always say,  "God has a sense of humor and His gift of laughter is great medicine."  As I sat down to write this little update on behalf of Mom, this was happening under my bed....

Yes, at the end of another difficult week and a bit of loss for words from all of us, my dog Minnie was eating Revlon's New York Red lipstick.  I think it was  a reminder that God is always in control.  He knew this entry would be short because at 12:45 am, I would have to attempt to remove lipstick from my now pink Westie.  Smiles, you're getting this picture soon!

Lord, we have lots of questions...!

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